Shop with Me: everything is going wrong

We started out the day with Downtown Asheville shopping and lunch! For all my shopping try-ons, check out the video below and keep scrolling for more photos!

We ate a Tupelo Honey and I got the Pimento Fried Pickle Burger- such an out of the box choice for me (sort of) but I loved it!IMG_5656IMG_5659

We then went to TJ Maxx and I tried on this Free People top that I thought was sort of cute in a unique way but y’all voted against it in my Instagram polls. I also found some shoes that you don’t normally see at TJ Maxx, but all of that is in the video!IMG_5667 2

Th dress below was one of endless disappointments at Forever 21. Check out the video for all of my try-ons.IMG_5687

We ended our huge shopping day having purchased absolutely nothing by going to Starbucks!IMG_5693

I have recently been struggling so much with clothing shopping and it is such an odd experience for me because I normally find tons of stuff I love. I am trying to change up my style a little bit and I think because I am not certain where I want to take my new look, I am uncertain what I want to buy. I just know that by the end of this day- looking at clothing had become an exhausting task. I spent all night looking at clothes online and on Instagram and became even more confused about what I want.

I decided to start fresh the next day by going to our TJ Maxx and I found that we still had tons of Lilly stuff, which I of course show all of in the video. I decided to try on this top because I had been eying it for a while and it was nearly $100 off. I did not like it at first but once I did a front tuck I thought it was super cute- too bad it had stains on it.IMG_5756 2

I then decided to go back to Alexander Brooke and pick up this romper and try on a few other things. There are still a few things I may be interested in, but I am not totally sure yet. IMG_4598

At least I finally left a store with something new! IMG_5832 2

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